Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Three Socks in One

The sock knitting craze has sucked me in like so many other knitters and I just had to try my hand at it. I knit one pair, toe-up, no problem. It was a little boring but I still ended up with two socks that fit.

For the next pair I tried a toe-up Jaywalker in Colinette Jitterbug. I knit it much as before but I didn't like the way the picked up stitches on the heel flap looked so I frogged the sock back to before the heel gusset and tried a different style of heel--an afterthought heel. I loved the look, it had a very professional finish but there was no way was it going to fit on my foot, or anyone else's for that matter. There just weren't enough stitches to go over my heel. So I frogged it AGAIN back to before the heel gusset and reknit it with the original heel. All in all I have knit this pair of socks three times. Of course I never learn, I'm going to try another pair of socks after this.


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