Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fulmar-Sort Of

I've been knitting Fulmar from Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting for what seems like forever. I actually started in January 2006, so it hasn't really been that long. I call it Fulmar-Sort Of because I've made quite a few modifications to the pattern.

  1. the sleeves are now a modified drop-shoulder rather than a straight drop-shoulder. I used Jenna Wilson's articles in Knitty on adding sleeves to a vest to modify the sleeve decreases and arm scythe. (thanks Auntie!)

  2. I've adapted it to a cardigan and rearranged the stitch patterns on the front to accommodate a button band. I plan on knitting the button band separately for ease of knitting and, hopefully, the seam will provide added strength to the opening.

  3. lastly I reworked the ribbing on the body to encorporate the body pattern into the ribbing. I also knit the ribbing on the same size needles as the body so that the sweater is more of a "tunic-style" rather than a typical pullover.

The rest I'll make up as I go along. Not exactly the textbook method for designing/redesigning knitwear...I sure hope this all comes together in the end ;->


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